/ / mm/dd/yyyy



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public: visible to anyone on the web.
private: visible to you and anyone you authorize (scroll down to authorize other users).

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force uploaded polygon to be closed.

List of users authorized to view this shape:

Edit Layer

/ / mm/dd/yyyy



Security level:
public: visible to anyone on the web.
private: visible to you and anyone you authorize (scroll down to authorize other users).

List of users authorized to view this shape:

Geographic Features and Landmarks




Security level:
public: visible to anyone on the web.
private: visible to you and anyone you authorize (scroll down to authorize other users).

Upload gpx/kml file:

force uploaded polygon to be closed.

List of users authorized to view this shape:


Edit Border




Upload gpx/kml file:


Enter Text Coordinates

Enter the coordinates latitude/longitude in decimal degrees. Use commas to separate latitude and longitude, and a space to separate each point.

For example:
42.000,-87.000 43.100,-88.100



Generate a report of all work entered into Restoration Map at a certain site:

Generate a report of all work you have entered into Restoration Map at all sites:





User Info:

Change Polygon Opacity:

Change Password:

old password:

new password:

new password again:



About Restoration Map

Restoration Map is a web-based tool to help document and plan ecological restoration work within Chicago Wilderness natural areas. This work is supported by a great deal of long term monitoring data. Restoration Map will help share that data and encourage collaboration between volunteer stewards, agency land managers, and the public.

Restoration Map is being developed with the support of Audubon Chicago Region as free, open source software for stewards and monitors working on conservation efforts. For more information please see or email

Restoration Map uses kmltree developed by the MarineMap Consortium.

The soil data layer is provided by the Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Data Access.

The wetlands data layer is provided by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. National Wetlands Inventory. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.


Download Layer

Select KML to download a file compatible with Google Earth or SHP to download a shapefile compatible with ArcGIS.


Download all KML for a site

Select which site you want to download KML for:

Upload Multi-Geometry KML

Upload KML file:

/ / mm/dd/yyyy



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Restoration Map is available in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 8.0 and newer).
Please use one of the supported browsers.
FPDCC Natural Communities

Data compiled by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Some areas may be out-of-date.

Select how to show natural communities:
Polygons with simple white outlines (not filled).
Polygons color coded as current natural communities.
Polygons color coded as future (planned) natural communities.

Please note: loading all natural communities will take a minute or two. Please be patient.

Select opacity of polygons:
100% (solid filled)
0% (no fill, color coded lines)

The natural communities are color coded:
     - Crop
     - Dolomite Cliff
     - Eurasian Meadow
     - Fen
     - Forest
     - Marsh
     - Prairie
     - Reforestation
     - Savanna
     - Sedge Meadow
     - Shrubland
     - Unassociated Woody Growth
     - Unmanaged
     - Woodland


Spring Creek 2011 Bird Blitz

Select which birds to show:

Habitat type:

Conservation status:

Bird species:

Show unit boundaries


Spring Creek 2011 Invasives Blitz


The distribution of species within each area is color coded:

     - scattered
     - dense
     - dense & scattered
Bird Conservation Network:
Point Count Data

Select year range:

Select month range:

Habitat type:

Conservation status:

Bird species:

Load data in entire visible area
Draw a polygon and load data within it

Please note: loading large data sets will take a minute or two. Please be patient.

The BCN Survey concentrates data collection efforts during the breeding season, which is in June. Migratory and winter season data is far less complete at most sites.

More information about the Bird Conservation Network can be found here:        

Calling Frog Survey

Select year range:

Select species:

Please note:
Data will be loaded for the visible map area. Loading data for large areas will take a minute or two. Zoom in or please be patient.

More information about the Chicago Wilderness Calling Frog Survey can be found here:        

Cook County Land Audit 2007-2008

In 2007 and 2008, ninety monitors collected detailed vegetation data at 200 sample plots within the priority conservation lands of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. This map layer summarizes the results.

Each sample plot is represented on the map by a circle proportionately sized to the plot's mean weighted native FQI.

The floristic quality of each sample plot is color coded:

     - excellent
     - good
     - fair
     - poor

More details from the 2007-2008 Cook County Land Audit can be found here.        

Cook County Land Audit 2001

In the summer of 2001, eighty-nine monitors collected detailed vegetation data from 100 meter transects, each with 20 quadrats spaced 5-meters apart. This map layer summarizes the results.

Each transect is represented on the map by a circle proportionately sized to the transect's mean quadrat native FQI.

The floristic quality of each sample plot is color coded:

     - excellent
     - good
     - fair
     - poor

More details from the 2001 Cook County Land Audit can be found here.        

Weed Scout Data

Show data by date range:
- leave blank to show all dates
- mm/dd/yyyy

/ / to
/ /

Show data by weed:

Show data by abundance:


Weed Scout Data Entry

Date weed was sighted:
/ / mm/dd/yyyy



Latitude in decimal degrees:

Longitude in decimal degrees:


Your name: (optional)


Somme Nature Preserve Shrub Survey

Choose which year:

Choose which data to view:
Habitat suitability for Bobolinks & Savanna Sparrows based on woody cover
Habitat suitability for Meadowlarks based on woody cover
Habitat suitability for Grasshopper Sparrows based on woody cover
Habitat suitability for all 4 focal species based on grass:forb ratio
Total % woody plant cover

Click on the map data points to view a bar graph of the overall trend. All data were collected within 1m^2 circular plots.

For habitat suitability, the large circles represent suitable habitat, medium circles represent marginally suitable, and very small circles represent unsuitable habitat. For % woody plant cover, the size of the circles are proportionate to the % coverage.

For Bobolinks and Savanna Sparrows, suitable habitat is grassland with no woody cover. Marginally suitable habitat contains woody cover up to 5%. Unsuitable habitat contains woody cover greater than 5%.

For Eastern Meadowlarks, suitable habitat is grassland with 0-5% woody cover. Marginally suitable habitat contains either 5-30% woody cover or no wood cover. Unsuitable habitat contains woody cover greater than 30%.

For Grasshopper Sparrows, suitable habitat is grassland with no woody cover. Marginally suitable habitat contains woody cover up to 30%. Unsuitable habitat contains woody cover greater than 30%.

From Sample, D.W. and M.J. Mossman. 1997. Managing Habitat for Grassland Birds: A Guide for Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, WI.


Upload Shrub Survey Data

Upload tab delimited file:

Each plot can have 1 observation per year, extra data will be ignored. The file should contain no column titles. The columns should be tab delimited and organized as such:

1) Location/Plot ID
2) % Grass
3) % Forbs
4) Grass:Forb
5) % Rosa
6) % Woody < knee
7) % Woody knee-waist
8) % Woody < ~ 1m tall
9) % Woody waist-head
10) % Woody > head
11) % Woody total
12) Bobolink & Savanna Sparrow Habitat Suitability - Woody
13) Meadowlark Habitat Suitability - Woody
14) Grasshopper Sparrow Habitat Suitability - Woody
15) All 4 Focal Species Habitat Suitability - Grass:Forb
16) Comments
17) Date recorded
18) Year

Visual Reports

Choose which year:

Select which county:

Choose which type of data to view:
Geographic feature / Landmark
Brush and tree removal
Prescribed burn
Seed collection and planting
Weed control
Planning and other

Change the polygon opacity by selecting 'User info' under the 'Restoration Map' pulldown menu above.


Bartel Grassland Vegetation Monitoring

Choose which year:

Choose which data type:

The size of the circles are proportionate to the value of the selected data type. Click on the map data points to view more data.

All data were collected from 6 40-acre plots in which 20 individual quadrats were sampled and percent cover for all species was recorded.


Upload Bartel Vegetation Data

Upload tab delimited file:

Each quadrant can have 1 observation per year, extra data will be ignored. The file should contain no column titles. The columns should be tab delimited and organized as such:

1) Plot
2) Quadrat
3) Year
4) NativeNSpp
5) Native Mean C
6) Weighted Native FQI
7) Mean Wetness
8) Brome Cover
9) Fescue Cover
10) SOLALT Cover